A violent scuffle between Congress, BJP and AAP members unfolded at the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation meeting on Tuesday over Ambedkar row. The physical altercation was triggered by a heated debate over Union Home Minister Amit Shah's controversial remarks about Dr B R Ambedkarmilyon88, the architect of India’s Constitution, made during a recent debate in the Rajya Sabha.
On the other hand, South Korea secured their first win of the tournament with a 3-2 victory over China. Goals from Hyeonhong, Junghoo, and Jihun (55') clinched the win for their side.
China got off to a positive start as they kept the ball under control, and made it difficult for the Koreans to break through.
The controversy began when Congress and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) councillors, the national level allies, jointly passed a motion demanding Shah's resignation. The motion sought to hold Shah accountable for his remarks on Ambedkar, which had already caused a stir in the national political landscape.
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Tensions escalated quickly within the Municipal Corporation as BJP councillors accused the Congress of belittling Ambedkar, pointing out that the Congress Party's leadership during the tenure of Jawaharlal Nehru had allegedly undermined the Dalit icon’s contributions to the nation. This verbal exchange soon spiralled out of control, resulting in a physical confrontation that lasted for nearly 20 minutes.
PTI shared a video of the incident of social media.
VIDEO | Scuffle breaks out between Congress, AAP and BJP councillors during Chandigarh Municipal Corporation meeting. More details are awaited.#ChandigarhNews(Full video available on PTI Videos - https://t.co/n147TvrpG7) pic.twitter.com/TIVHCLZWDw
ng slot— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) December 24, 2024Escalating the fight, some Congress and AAP leaders called Anil Masih, a BJP-nominated councillor, a “vote thief.” In response, Masih, who was the returning officer for the mayoral polls, hit back by referencing Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, claiming that he was “out on bail” in the National Herald case. Masih had previously been embroiled in a controversy over alleged tampering with the mayoral election results in January, an accusation that further inflamed the situation.
The verbal sparring only intensified, culminating in the violent brawl that saw councillors physically grappling with one another, much to the shock of onlookers. CCTV footage from the meeting, which has since gone viral on social media, captured the chaos unfolding inside the Municipal Corporation chamber. Even as the scuffle took place, several councillors were seen glancing at the cameras but continued to engage in the brawl, undeterred.
ALSO READ| Winter Session: Parliament Proceedings Adjourned Sine Die Following Uproar Over Ambedkar Row
The row over Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s remarks on Ambedkar has been a flashpoint for political protests across the country. The Congress, along with its allies, has been calling for Shah's resignationmilyon88, accusing him of insulting Ambedkar, a revered figure in India’s social and political history. In Parliament, the issue led to massive protests and clashes between BJP and opposition MPs, who accused each other of disrespecting the Dalit icon. The protests have been so intense that they paralysed the winter session of Parliament.